Friday, April 30, 2010

Another This n That This Week

April 10 053

Here you see the beautiful flowers that were waiting for me at my last-ever-stamp-club night.  The day of it, I was kinda feeling sad that after six years of meeting with friends monthly to make projects, I was having to tell them I was not going to be running a Stampin’ Up business any longer, in light of our busy move and tiny new house, etc.  I mentioned it that day to Gary how I was feeling kinda down about it, but by his making one lone remark, “you have done it awhile,” it led me to think he didn’t really get it at all. 

So then that night, as I am beginning the final meeting, the hostess stops me and says “Your husband stopped by earlier.”  And I am thinking, that’s weird--wonder why?  And then she points to those flowers in a vase.  I just started crying and couldn’t talk for awhile.  It meant so much

1. because he did get it and

2. that he stopped, picked out, and PAID FOR flowers purely for my benefit since I know that is an act as pleasurable to him as….I don’t know, getting a root canal?…anyway, something not enjoyable at all. 

See how smart I was to marry him?  And so life goes on without stamp club.  No biggie.  I’ll have manure to shovel and fence to be mendin’ now. 


And speaking of things enjoyable, I loved the bare stairs look we had going for day or two getting ready for the new carpet installation.  But sorry, Debra, Gary did the demo work and did not save any remnant of melted carpet.  Not even a picture taken!

  april 10 016 

Does everyone know the Debra/stair story??

It involves:

a new baby in the house

my very helpful moms and sisses pitching in to do whatever needed

a vacuum with a weirdo or perhaps broken switch to turn off the beater

a melted carpet patch on the bottom six or so steps

several years of laughs at Debra’s expense


One thing I might miss when we move to the country:  garbage pick up. 

april 10 035april 10 017

Here’s the living room bare-flooredapril 10 019

and the upstairs hallway.  We also did Grant/Sam’s room so far, and in all, pulled up tack strips (that job is no fun in any way) and thousands of staples individually by hand.  That We would be Gary, me, and Grant, the wonder worker.  What a trooper, I have to say!  And see the water marks on the hall floor boards?  I cannot help but think that is the sad trail of years of kid throw-up and pee, but mostly throw-up, you know, trying to get from the bedrooms to the bathroom in time.  They never once made it, I swear.   

Can I even type a post anymore without making you go “eewww!”?

So anywho, new carpet!  Yippee!!  Even though we are so outta here, it still makes me feel great. 


Yesterday we told Caroline that she had to pick up all the maple helicopters in the fenced yard so that Gary could mow.   We have a few.  Make that jillions. april 10 026

Little Darlin’ went right out there and promptly started the job.  It wasn’t too long, though, maybe a few seconds, until she asked if she had to do the whole thing, and then how was she going to do that?!

(She’s a little sensitive about this now apparently and didn’t want it posted, but I have to and I am the boss, so do me a favor and just don’t mention it to her.  I did remove her picture of her actually doing it, but it is just too cute not to share the story.)


Roof guys came this week and, man, did they get their work done pronto.  One afternoon and it was done.  Yea!april 10 021

If you scroll back up to the garbage pick-up pic, you can see the new roof but, warning, don’t be expecting much.  It looks exactly the same.  Except without that black fungus junk and missing shingles.  So, better but not much different.


Who can guess what this is?? 

I see it as $120 sitting in my bank account.  Well, minus the expense of the actual braces, so maybe on second thought I see minus $500?  Ok, never mind. 

april 10 009

Grant got his braces off his bottom teeth, and lo and behold, if two teeth didn’t come out with them!  That is good news!  No, make that great news! We didn’t have to pay for them to be pulled like we have nearly every other baby tooth he couldn’t lose on his own.  So, yeah, happy day at the orthodontist that day. 

Next step in the mouth reshaping is retainers to be worn at night only.  Grant says:

Hooray!  Happy day for sure!

 april 10 014


This was the scene today before school.  Caroline told Jack that Scooter had a squirrel treed.  Jack immediately hopped up and said “I’ll shoot it” and Caroline said, “Jack, you are the best big brother ever!” 

That’s exactly how it went, verbatim. 

april 10 028


And then this image kept haunting me all morning until I finally shut the doors.  You know how you kinda notice something in your peripheral vision when you’re not even trying to see it and then you mis-think what it actually is?  This was my mind seeing Sam sending himself down the laundry chute.   

 april 10 040    


The End.

Until next time, that is. 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grant’s Essay

Grant recently brought home a 4th grade Social Studies test.  One whole page of it was a written essay on a topic of his choice related to the history they had been discussing in class.  This included topics such as Civil Rights, the Industrial Revolution, and Immigration.  He could have written about Ellis Island, Henry Ford, or cool inventions—things I would imagine a boy to have interest in.   But instead, I found this in his take-home folder, and I gotta say, in that instant I was beaming proud of him.  He wrote a great answer and his teacher apparently approved, but what hit me the most was his topic of choice…..

Women’s Rights?!April 10 016

April 10 016 (2)

Me:   Wowee, Grant!  (hug)  I am so proud of you that you found this topic so important that you wrote about it above all others you could have chosen.  You are great!

Grant (very flat, no emotion):  Well, Mom, I just picked it because it was the one that had the most facts. 

Me:  Oh. 

Oh well!  Great job regardless. 

Monday, April 26, 2010

Music Monday-- Preggers


It may seem weird, but I am about to tell you something that, up to this time, out of the whole wide world, only Gary knows. 

I had a theme song for each pregnancy.

Yeah, it’s a little out there, I know, but let me just tell you all about them.  You can click on the song title to listen and/or watch the video. 


  1. Tubthumping by Chumbawumba

This is crystal clear in my head as my prego song for Jack in 1997-98.  It was Christmastime and first-trimester nonstop morning sickness was raging while we drove to and stayed at Julia and Neil’s in Florida.  We were constantly hearing this song as it was very popular at that time, so Julia made up lyrics to suit my situation and I can still hear Neil singing it. 

The original and altered lines:

I get knocked down / I get knocked up
But I get up again  /  And I throw up again
You're never going to keep me down / Can’t  keep anything down

Pissing the night away
Pissing the night away

Wow, that really was quite clever, Julia!  Great memory even though it’s totally associated with me feeling my worst.


2.  Smooth by Santana and Rob Thomas

This was my very favorite song of 1999 so it’s definitely the one that I associate with Grant.  It may or may not have contributed to the actual conception. 

In a motel near Kewanee, Illinois.

Ok, TMI, I know.  Eeeww! 

It’s one of those songs that if someone said even a portion of one of its lines, I’d instantly identify it.  Rob wrote it about his wife and I think that’s cool.  Plus, his hair was so excellent during this time.  Seriously!

These are some of my favorite lines and can’t you just feel that Latin beat when you read them?! 

Man, its a hot one
Like seven inches from the midday sun

My muñequita, my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa

I could change my life to better suit your
mood cause you’re so smooth

Gimme your heart, make it real
Or else forget about it

Except I always sing it:  fuggedaboutit



3.   The Zephyr Song by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Ok, it’s already been established that I love the Chilis, but did you know that I made Gary take me to see them on their By the Way tour in 2003 when I happened to be 8 months pregnant with Caroline at the time?  [And he parked at least 8 blocks away in a cheaper lot so we would not have to shell out the extra $3.  Some things you just never forget.]  It was May 7, and the little chickie ended up being delivered June 17, so yeah, I was pretty pregnant.  And I had floor tickets. 

As we entered Savvis Center downtown St Louis, the ticket person asked if I knew I had floor tickets.  Well, yeah.  She seemed concerned.  ??  I was puzzled.  As I waddled on in, another Savvis person immediately came to us and said for us to follow.  Huh?, but we did.  Then that person said that we would not be standing on the floor and would instead have seats, and we were escorted directly to them. 

I don’t remember at just what level, but they were decent enough seats, all because they had reservations about a hugely pregnant pushing-36-years old gal being on the floor in the mosh?  Looking back, I guess I am grateful someone intervened on my and the baby’s behalf, but at the time, I didn’t quite get what the problem was. 

As I remember, there were multiple opening bands (including Queens of the Stone Age and The Mars Volta), so by the time my Chilis actually played, my feet and back probably would have felt like one gargantuan monkey fist, so yeah, it probably turned out for the better that we got to sit.

The Zephyr Song was one on the Chilis set list that night, and then in the weeks following, I had many opportunities to watch this video while sitting up night after night with the newborn girlie, loving the music and the psychedelic images, and just wishing my post-baby silhouette matched the dancer girl’s. 

4.  She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5

Now this one would be Sam’s song. It was released in 2004, and again, I sat up countless nights with him as a newborn and watched this video over and over as it was my favorite song at that time.  Ross, remember burning me a cd of Songs about Jane?  Still have it!

My very favorite line: 

I want to make you feel beautiful

Like Adam Levine was talking straight to me.


Ok, probably more than you ever needed or wanted to know, and you are thinking, thank gah there were just four!

  That’s Music Monday. 

Friday, April 23, 2010

Jack’s Snazzy Jazzy Band


Jack played at his Jazz Band performance last night along with the other middle school and high school jazz bands.  They all sounded wonderful but………………….…!!!April 10 020 (2)

That was our view of him for the hour concert.  Or usually he was even less visible.   I am just going to have a little talk with Mr. Band Director about the idea of placing the supremo trumpet players behind the dern piano!  And what about turning the piano around so piano player’s proud parents could watch her, too?  Ok, so maybe the sound comes out from that side, but geesh, we all just want to see our kids.  When they are being good at least.

Like this guy who was seated front and center.  And can I say, I liked him the second my eyes landed on him.  I bet his middle name is Jazz.  Afterwards, I approached him and flat out told him that I loved his solo.  He doesn’t know me.  Just some crazy lady.

April 10 016


Here’s Jack-my-man afterward. 

April 10 035 April 10 036

And here, with his buddy Matthew and new friend just a friend Christine.  Actually, she’s the face of the mystery pianist and played a wonderful solo herself. 

I have yet to be introduced. 

You know, I am not a Jazz fan by nature, but I gotta admit, these kids’ music had me so wrapped up and into it.  I could hardly sit still. 

Then we had some cheesecake. 

What a great night!

   April 10 045 - Copy   April 10 049 

April 10 050        April 10 046

Can you tell I am a proud mama?


Here’s a little secret exposed:  how to get your rambunctious five year old to sit during the hour long thing he has no interest in. 

And here’s Jack’s band doing their final number Bubbert Goes to Town. 

No, I did not make that up. 

There’s Jack’s head above the piano!  And you’ll notice my new friend at about 0:45. 

Yawn?!  What?!  During my son’s number?  Oh no he dint’nt!! 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Little Bit of This n That

We have been ultra busy painting and taking care of house business, but here’s a few of the other things going on with us lately.   Here I am typing at you:

April 10 002


April 17 was the 2 year anniversary of Scooter getting us, but the day came and went and we forgot to celebrate!  We did, however, take him for his rabies shots.

  April 10 040 April 10 046

Scooter in Van by Grant 


We scored free Statue of Liberty headwear from the street corner one day.

April 10 053 April 10 056 April 10 057 April 10 062

April 10 061   And poor Sam had an eye infection, but it is all good now. 


Here he is at swimming lessons.  I know, I can not get the kid to stop showing off the physique.       100_2133100_2114


 April 10 003 Jack was a Jedi monk for his Medieval Fest at school. 

Quick Q:  Do medieval monks wear watches??

And quick fact:  When coming up with a rope for the belt, Gary asked Jack if he minded if it had some deer blood on it.  He didn’t.

Jack also played his trumpet for the festivities, and it turned out to be a very cool affair, but the camera battery was dead, so here you go. 


Caroline had her program at school this week.  The gym was too dark for any good shots during the action (camera, again? c’mon!), but here she is afterwards.

 April 10 036 April 10 038

The theme was about being healthy so she went wearing a Cardinals shirt, with a Sam muscle shirt underneath, but she wouldn’t wear the sweatband I offered.  ???DSC06485cr

And do not feel like you can judge the quality of the first grade performance by the looks on these boys’ in the audience faces.

April 10 023

April 10 024 (3) 

Or by this man’s. 

April 10 024

Look at this guy…see now, he’s in awe and maybe disbelief of how excellent it was. 

April 10 024 (2)

Or is he covering up a yawn?

Anyway, Caroline did great.  We were very proud.  She even had a speaking part at a microphone and totally rocked it! 

“Potato chips, chili cheese dogs, enchiladas!”

Caroline chose McDonald’s (being healthy?) for her celebratory treat afterwards. 

I think this shot confirms: Yes, Sam thoroughly enjoys his hot fudge sundaes.  April 10 045


Also, almost forgot to tell you, Sam grew a moustache one day!

April 10 051

Hasn’t shed the knight costume, however, for about four days now. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Make It Healthy


1.April 10 032 

April 10 034


3.April 10 032

4.April 10 033


5.April 10 034

Figerout  which  ones  are  the  same  and  diffent.

Taken last night at my school, after my Make It Healthy program.