Sunday, March 1, 2015


We went out for Joe's pizza Friday night and this dress seemed to be the topic at probably nearly everyone's table. What's so weird is when Caroline first showed me, I saw it as gold and white (and so did she and Gary) with 100% certainty. But then later when I looked at it and started with just looking at the skirt half, I saw it as blue and black so I totally get that it can be perceived as either.

The thing for me seeing it as white and gold all hinged on that wider upper piece at the neck reflecting the light as it does, predominately on one side; my brain felt it had to be a metallic color to produce that sheen. Once I figured that out and eliminated that part of the view, then my brain was ok with it being blue and black. Who would have thought this dress would have ever been such a big deal that everyone was talking about?!

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