Today Grant is 15! After he was done with his morning drivers ed class, we went out shoe shopping (wait 'til you see em!) and then had lunch together, just he and I. We found the bbq place is closed on Mondays so we went to Wang Gang instead. Grant was very open-minded about trying something new, including eating with only chopsticks. We had some great conversation and at the end, I told him all about him being born (9+ pounds and breech) and how he was without a name for some time until we could reassess how we felt about Alexander vs Grant. Guess you know how that turned out. : )
Occasionally he makes me feel like banging my head, but days like today I see he's pretty much a perfect kid. Can't imagine life without our Grant!
Yes, it is Grant's birthday. Hope it is a happy one!! I bet you thought we forgot. Love!