Sunday, August 30, 2009

Going Back to School

Summer vacation's come to an end and it is back to school. Here's Jack on his first day of middle school, 6th grade. He leaves earlier than the others now, before they even get up. And his bus stop isn't on our corner anymore. Big guy!

Here's the rest of the crew on Day 1.

Miss Girl's got a new book bag for big stuff 1st grade. Sam's practicing for Mr. Olympia.

Here's Grant heading off to 4th grade. He has a no-homework teacher this year and I think they are gonna get along just fine.
And how did Sam take it, with all his sibling playmates taking off to spend entire days at school and leaving him behind?
You be the judge. See him pedaling like mad as soon as they are all on the bus, ready to tear into their rooms and mess with their stuff?

Caroline on Day 2.
See these glasses? Now they are in three pieces. New frames coming in a week.
And see the spot on the tip of Diane's nose? After two weeks, the wasp sting wound has finally simmered down. Ouch.

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