Monday, May 17, 2010

Music Monday—Clapton. Cassette? What’s that?


may 10 037

Ah, memories and music-- so tied together.  For our yard sale/big clean out this weekend, Gary and I discovered that between us, we had three cases of cassettes.  And by cases I mean, carry-on suitcase-sized cases-- the zippered, padded nylon CaseLogic cases that were high tech stuff back in the day. 

Eric ClaptonTime Pieces

This was from my EC “obsession” phase.  It peaked in the early 90’s.  I collected everything Clapton --  Cream, Bluesbreakers, Derek & The Dominos, his solo stuff, the biographies, ticket stubs.  I used to travel to places out of state to see him, back when I was a single professional with money and freedom to do whatever I wanted.  Not quite to the DeadHead level (which may or may not be next week’s Monday topic), but let’s just say, I was a fairly obsessed fan.


Candi and I went to see him at Riverport in St. Louis, August 1992, during the height of his MTV Unplugged era, though he was plugged in that night.  Either way would have been fine with me. 

Setlist: (why yes, thank you, Internet.  Love ya! ) Looking at it now, how impressive!

  1. White Room
  2. Pretending
  3. Anything For Your Love
  4. I Shot the Sheriff
  5. Running On Faith
  6. She's Waiting
  7. Tears in Heaven
  8. Before You Accuse Me
  9. Old Love 
  10. Tearing Us Apart
  11. Badge
  12. Wonderful Tonight
  13. Layla
  14. Crossroads
  15. Sunshine of Your Love

It should have been a great show. 


I had last seen Eric in Milwaukee in May with excellent seats, and was so pumped to be seeing him again, and with my bestest friend in the world who was also an Eric fan.  We were completely comfy on the Riverport lawn, thoroughly enjoying the summer night.  I can’t even remember the opening act, but then when Eric came out and as I initially saw him on the Jumbotron, I was puzzled, just totally confused.  “Who’s this?”  Then I screamed!  Not out of crazy fan excitement, but because I was shocked.  I couldn’t believe my eyes!  My knees buckled and I almost went down.  Oh, no!  It could not be happening!  Nightmare!  Don’t be true!


The Eric hair was a big part of the obsession and now this?! 

How could you?!!

I felt compelled to apologize over and over to Candi.  “I am so sorry.  He doesn’t normally look like this.”  I can’t even remember the music from that night.  Frankly, I couldn’t process after the initial blow to my brain.


I will say I eventually recovered, halfway forgave, gave him another chance, and saw him once more.  That was at the Kiel in St. Louis in April 1998 with Candi again, and this time we took husbands.  That one turned out to be anti-positive-memory also because:

1.  I was so bummed by the general tone of the night.  It was the Pilgrim tour and yeah, not a happy time for Eric and it showed. The music was slow and blah and I was a big preggers gal wanting to go out and shake it up that night and it just didn’t meet my expectations. Sorry, Eric, strike two, buddy.

2.  I was big and preggers with Jack and what is it with me going to concerts big and preggers?  To get to the show, we took the MetroLink over and back.  I had in my mind that people would be especially kind to a lady in my condition, but no.  After the show as everyone from the entire Metro St. Louis area wanted on the same train car, I found out that big belly full of precious first baby does not buy you any special treatment, not even kind treatment.  It was smash city.


So, thanks, CaseLogic cassettes.  I may have made less off of you than even what one of those cassettes originally cost, but I was happy with the $7 and it seemed to make two guys very happy.  Surfer-type voice:  “Look it’s Queensryche, man!”

To me, it’s the music memories that are priceless.  


Eric, if you are reading this, and “obsessed fan” would have thought you probably were, I will give you one more chance.  Come to St. Louis and I might see you again. 


EC, still touring in 2010


  1. Are you withholding posts from us because nobody commented on this one?

  2. And I believe there is a Tears for Fears tape in there.

  3. I will always be an Eric Clapton fan! If you give the guy another chance, please get an extra ticket for me. I've never seen him live, but I would love to!

  4. Debra, I would go see him again and I doubt if I would let the absurd little details mar my enjoyment this go 'round. We'd have a great time. Let's go sometime.
