Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Honorable AND Festive Grant Gill

dec 10 001 dec 10 002 

And might I also add Strong and Granite-like.  We weighed the tuba and it’s an extra 18 pounds the kid gets to lug around. 

Wasn’t it decorated lovely for his band concert yesterday? 


I think I forgot to tell you all my new nickname, or rather, maybe it’s my claim to fame? 

One day I walked into Grant’s school, headed to the band room, carrying the tuba.  I noticed a group of kids in the hallway.  They saw me and instantly froze!  And then, just as suddenly, they all hunched their heads together.  They were whispering, pointing,  watching my every step.   

I’m used to goofy kids.  I walked on.  Finally, one apparently gathered the nerve to approach me,  and this is what she said,

       “Are you The Tuba Dude’s Mom?”


  1. I love it!! Congrats to Grant - I am proud of you!

  2. Congratulations to Grant! The tube is such a fitting instrument for Grant!And it is so decorated!!

  3. I love this! Congratulations Tuba Dude and his mom!!!
