Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One Beautiful Stinkin’ Morning

One thing about living out on this place, here I am sitting at the computer in the kitchen this glorious spring morning.  And this is what I look out to: 

april 11 006 

Things are greening up beautifully after such a long, colorless winter.  And see the newly mowed pasture?  Nice.  Trees are budding.  Grass is lush.  There’s a just-right cool breeze blowing through the open door as the sun warms this side of the house.  Almost perfection….

if not for the dead whatever underneath

the screen porch.  

I kid you not, something’s dead and stinking so bad!!


  1. Yes, it is quite beautiful. I wonder if I'll still think that after I smell it Saturday!

  2. Ross, perhaps they're waiting for you to get there and drag out the carcass.

  3. I was there yesterday. I didn't notice anything unusual.
