Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ah, Regular Routine Mundane Life, I Love You


Today I packed a supersized middle school lunch, worked my tail off trying to get two sleepyhead kids up and ready in time for school, made an individualized breakfast for everyone, got four kids delivered to bus stop/school minus one who had an ugly red and yellow throat, cleaned out the junk drawer, did a load of laundry, got a fire started in the wood furnace, took sick kid to the doctor (no strep--yay!), got groceries, made a Target stop for fun things like dishwasher soap and laundry soap and cat food, unloaded van and put away stuff, hauled wood up with Gary involving my personally pushing the heavily-loaded Gator through the slick spots, got kids from bus stop minus one I had to pick up from Drama Club, drove back into town to get sick boy’s homework, fixed a chicken and dumpling and mashed potato supper while helping with homework, peeled four oranges for kids’ consumption, cleaned up supper mess, got a shower for the day at 7:30 p.m., and now sitting, typing the breakdown of my day to share with you.  And realized I forgot to call the Environmental Lab by 2:00 to see if our well water is now safe for consumption.

Let me tell you, it truly has been the best day I have had in a long while!  


  1. The Real Housewife of Madison County.

    Enjoy your snow day today! :)

  2. Wow, that made me tired just reading it. Glad you are back, take it easy now!
