Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nice Ice, Baby

Here’s Grant Friday night, ready to head off to the Boy Scout Klondike Derby.  He told me he had on seven layers.

jan 2012 094 

Jack wasn’t going, but helped out getting everything loaded up.

jan 2012 096 

Nice new red scarf, Gary!  Wish I had one.  Oh, I do!    : )

It was freezing rain with a weather advisory in effect, but that just added to the Klondike theme, right?  Grant and Gary, pulling the trailer, took off around 5 pm, but headed back home after determining safety before fun.  Did I say fun?  Camping out in a tent when it’s 15 degrees and pulling around a heavy sled human dog-sled style is so not fun for me, but what do I know?

Well, what I do know is I was mighty relieved when they came back home that night and when they decided not to go the next morning because it was still too icy.  


  1. Good Pictures and good decision.

  2. Um, could Grant's body even bend or did Gary have to lay him flat in the bed of the truck?
