Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veteran's Day

In honor of the men and women of the community who served their country in World War II

The kids were off from school for the Veteran's Day holiday but, ironically, Gary was not.

We were headed to Miner Park to enjoy the nice day when I realized where we should be going instead. This is the Veterans' Memorial at Glen Carbon at the end of Old Meridian Road, right across from the bridge. The memorial was overhauled a couple of years ago and is quite nice.
One of the new features are polished stone markers naming each branch of service. Gary had some issue with the wording on this Marine marker when it first went in, but now I can't remember just what the error was, like there is no "Dept of" or something like that. It was not something that most non-Marines would be aware of, but to the Marine, it was significant. And on something as meaningful as this, it should be done correctly, I admit.

The kids and I talked here for some time. I told the story of why Grandpa Darrell was not a veteran even though he was drafted for Viet Nam in 1965.
He and my mom were just newlyweds and he received his notice. He sold all his farm equipment, gave up his rented farm ground, even sold the furniture, and moved her back to her folks' house as she cried her eyes out knowing her new husband was headed off to a horrible, faraway, foreign place that was taking lives by the thousands.
But his service only lasted long enough for him to ride the train to St. Louis and then be deferred at the physical, due to a heart murmur that he never even knew he had and that has caused him not one problem in his life. But I guess it might have saved his life. And let me be here on Earth. Bonus!

Sam was determined to count the number of flags. It was not simple for him since he's not quite mastered the 10-intervals. He'd run back to me, "What comes after 59?" Then get back to where he'd left off and count the next nine and then run back "What comes after 69?" He got to 80 and stopped, and who knows, maybe that was the exact number of flags? Considering he's Grant Gill's brother, it's very possible. Speaking of Grant, he stayed home. If it is a beautiful bright sunny day, he doesn't really want to come out.

On this day, and I try to every day, I realize what all we have in our lives and just how rich they are. So many things. Kind of a simple one, but our library is wonderful.

Our trails are such a treasure.

These kids look so small next to the trees at Miner Park. Here Caroline is warning Sam not to walk down the concrete drainage way. She's a little mother for sure.

This is Judy's Creek that runs next to the library and park and under the covered bridge. Judy was the Americanized name of an early settler to The Valley of Coal, Glen Carbon. Without looking it up, I remember it being a Czech named Tschudy or something similar to that, and that's how we have Judy's Creek.

Three things I love are creeks, sycamore tree tops against a blue sky,

and red-orange maple leaves against a blue sky. It's a shame my camera just couldn't grasp the intensity of the color.

Finally, play time at Miner Park. I wonder if this type of slide is anywhere else? Probably, but it is the only one I have ever seen like it. 'Course my exposure has been mostly playgrounds in a few counties in Illinois. It's an old, long, metal one and it follows the slope of the hill, at ground level.

Notice Sam is always trying to go up when the others are coming down? He's so predictable.
He's so Sam.

Hey, do you think this one possibly shares some DNA with Ms. Bad Hair herself?

Caroline is always being gymnastic or acrobatic or whatever you want to call it.

Look, she had two boys spinning her on the merry-go-round.

I don't know really what to make of this one, but we all had a fun outing on this glorious fall day.

That night Caroline marched in the Veteran's Day parade with the Girl Scouts. Her first parade!

But back to the point, it was an important day and I hope everyone remembered to stop and think a little about the reason for the day.
Hopefully, the Gill kids always will.

My grandpa
Jimmie Mike McKinney
Army -- Europe -- World War II
My husband
Gary Warren Gill
Marine -- Persian Gulf War

1 comment:

  1. AAwwww, that is so sweet and so Patriotic. Very interesting story about your Dad. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Love, Mom and Dad
