Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cherished Thanksgiving Memories

thanksgiving 2What a wonderful time we had at our house, our little house that we worried would be too small, yet I know it would still welcome even more of the folks we love and miss, if they had been able to be here with us on Thanksgiving Day.  

It was truly heartwarming to have family come together, working so supportively to help get Ross moved in as he steps off on a new journey.  And what a way to celebrate all that we are thankful for in life by enjoying that feast of food on the table, together. 



Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.  ~William Shakespeare


Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. ~W.T. Purkiser


I think I better have a piece of that coconut pie to get the taste of that other one out of my mouth. ~Unknown



Gobble gobble, Gill Family. 

Another great time as usual! 

Love you all!!


  1. That one will go down in history, we will call it foot pit!!! hahahahahaha
    Yes the holiday was wonderful. Just being together is great and knowing that we all love each other and enjoy being together makes it even more special. xoxoxo

  2. Excuse me. We will call it "FOOT PIE"

  3. Sidney is wondering what is wrong with Grandma as I laugh hysterically!! Thanks, Diane and Gary!!

  4. Ok, throwing in the word PIT got me to thinking it really was an awful pie. Thanks for clarifying! Foot Pie, I like! It may be one of those that will probably live on awhile.
    It was a great day!

  5. "Foot pie," "gag me with a fork," "I feel great, now where's that Tylenol," and anything Neil says backwards... we've got some doozies in this family!

    Thanksgiving was great!!!
