Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tooth Time

We’ve had a quite a bit of tooth excitement lately.  None from Jack, other than his getting his braces on, but between the other kids, we’ve lost four teeth within a matter of days. 

sam first tooth out

First was Sam who lost his first tooth, the one I didn’t even know was loose, and yes, you can even see the permanent one had already come in behind it. 

Yes, sometimes I so feel like Mom of the Year.

The night before at supper, Sam had complained about that the sausage on his pizza hurt his tooth, but we didn’t think it was anything beyond his normal complaints when expected to eat something other than corn dogs and ice cream.  Plus, that very day he lost it, I had been with him most of the day while chaperoning his class’s field trip and there wasn’t one word about a loose tooth. 

I was completely surprised at the bus stop just a couple of hours after I left him.  He exited the bus, yelling with such excitement that he’d lost his first tooth and was smiling huge so I could see the open space.  That soon followed with a worried face since he literally lost the tooth.  He had it in a plastic tooth necklace that the nurse gives out; that is, until playtime outside and then it was gone.  Kids at school had told him that the Tooth Fairy would not come if he didn’t have the tooth, so he was concerned.

Big Sis to the rescue.  She wrote a note for him to leave under his pillow.

nov 10 001

Dear tooth fairy,

I’m Sam Gill

I lost my tooth.

but, I do not know where

it is.  I lost it

at school at resess. 

Will you still give me money? 

Plese sing back

Yes no circle

Sam Gill

And this additional note was taped on:

nov 10 003

From Caroline


Do you like the movie How to Train Your Dragon?  yes no

Are you a girl or boy?

Leave a note to my brother Grant and tell him to bevile in you.  Caroline

Unfortunately, it seems the Tooth Fairy overlooked the letter and the request for written confirmation;   you know, he/she is often tired and working in the dark, so it’s understandable.  He/she did, however, leave one dollar under his pillow so Sam was happy next morning. 

  sam 1st tooth lost

The day following Sam’s lost tooth, Caroline had an appointment at the dentist to have two teeth pulled to make some more room in her too-small mouth.  Her baby teeth are beautifully aligned and make for a perfect-looking smile, but permanent teeth are about one and a half times to twice as big as the baby teeth, so we already have space problems and an additional row of teeth forming.  The two bottom incisors that were extracted both had whoppers of a root and left such big holes, but she is a such a trooper.  

Here she is smiling not quite her usual smile just awhile after they were pulled.  Her mouth was still numb and she needed a liquid lunch, hence the “Shake” in Steak n Shake.

2010-11-16_15.16.57 That night, the Tooth Fairy came! 

Caroline got two dollars out of the deal.  Rip!

caroline teeth out

Then, next, a few days later, we had Grant loose one of his molars.  Problem was, he had had a gusher of a bloody nose in bed the night before, ruining his pillow so that night he went to bed without a pillow. 


Where was the Tooth Fairy to leave the loot?  And would he/she come if he doesn’t even bevile?!