Tuesday, November 2, 2010



Halloween isn’t just a day in this house.  It’s a season.  They start out regular kids,

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a little goofy no doubt,  2010-10-23_19.46.07


and by goofy I mean, who goes to a fall fest and asks for his face paint to be a snowman??!! 

But then the Halloweenie season starts and we have… the costume changes, the candy, the dramatics.


Yes, sweet child o’ mine/star of Goshen Elementary’s Wednesday after school drama club is holding a bloody heart.

Thank you, Ross!  CAN’T WAIT ‘til you have kids.

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And then Sam gets to “experimenting.”


Oh, and no surprise, but Caroline had three costumes this year. 

Day 1 at the school Halloween parade and party, the kitty cat:

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Day 2 for trick or treating, the cheerleader:  oct 10 035

Did you know 20 trash bags, scissors, and tape equals two totally, literally last-minute pompoms? Helps immensely to already have a skirt and pompom appliqué as Halloween hand-me-downs from Aunt Deb!

And then Day 3 when Daddy says “You know, you could look like Sarah Palin” and she says “Who is Sarah Palin?”  We show her a picture and she insists she can come up with a costume  right from her closet.  And that she did.Caroline as Sarah Palin

Sam repeated last year’s knight costume and his mom lavished him with kisses and said, “Thank you, kid. Here, have some candy.” 

oct 10 007oct 10 013 (2)It was specified no weapons allowed at school so the dashing knight’s sword stayed home, but you can see he got right into the part nevertheless once they gave him a stick of licorice and the teacher’s back was turned.

By actual trick-or-treat night, the handles had fallen off the hand armor, but no one noticed the blue rubber bands, right? 

Or the black sweats with dress shoes?

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Grant’s costume was fairly last minute.  He became Secret Agent Man at bedtime the night before he needed a costume to take to school the next morning.  Pulled it off ok, I thought.

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And Jack was even more last second as he wasn’t going to trick-or-treat at all and had no costume until a friend called that afternoon on Halloween Day and asked him to go around with him in our old neighborhood.  Jack came down the stairs looking like this…whoa!  Good one!

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Buckling a baby car seat is he** when you are a knight with hand armor. 

And so is trying to stay awake after all the fun. 

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  1. I liked Gary's mask the best!

    Haha... just kidding. EVERYONE looked awesome! Homemade costumes are great! Sam's shoes, Grant's mustache, Jack's suit, and Caroline's Sarah cracked me up.

  2. I couldn't stop laughing at this! Loved the costumes, although the "Dean" in me squirmed a little at all the weaponry! These kids are so creative! Mom and Dad, you've done well!
