Monday, March 15, 2010

The Show Must Go On

Thursday, during PE basketball, Jack got a boo-boo, a kinda bad boo-boo.  Friday, his pinkie was still swollen and turning more colors.  By Saturday morning, I decided it needed to be looked at since neither the swelling or pain were improving. 

We got in to get an x-ray around 11:00 a.m. and he was to be at his band contest in a neighboring town by 12:30. 

Turned out he had a fracture, they taped it up, and he made it to the contest, receiving top rankings for both his Jazz Band performance and his ensemble.

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Before leaving home, he figured out how it was going to work for him to support his trumpet since that is his left pinkie’s job.  Gary and Grant went also, and thank you, Gary, for the camera work for those of us who couldn’t be there. 

 March 10 052March 10 059 The picture was taken from a distance, but this is of the two girls who apparently are quite interested in our son’s hair and couldn’t stop touching it. 

The girls are older.  They are 7th graders.

Oh boy!  I know, it’s just starting.

It’s much easier to see him hanging with his pal Matthew, as you might recall from Jack’s  tennis days.

March 10 057 March 10 062

Watch these if you have a couple of minutes.  That’s Jack in the white shirt nearest the door with the exit sign.  

From someone who is not musical at all but loves music, I am so proud we have at least one kid so far who is musical.

Thank you, Gill genes!

One of the guys in the trio was a little off, but you know it wasn’t ours.

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