Monday, November 29, 2010

MovieMonday—Another One of My Faves

220px-Napoleon_dynamite_postThis movie is definitely in my Top 5 movies.  Caroline asked yesterday if she could start it, and I said YES!  I actually own it on DVD unlike, how embarrassing to admit, my last week’s mentioned all-time favorite Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

We can watch Napoleon anytime we please.


Yes, I like to pretend he’s talking to me: 

I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.

jon_hederI understand it could be a movie that many people just don’t care for and question what is really the point of the movie, but I don’t have that problem. 

I totally get that its purpose is to make me laugh.


Tonight we had burritos.  Grant does not eat burritos.  So I yelled:

“Fix yourself a dang kay-sa-dill-ah!”


Fact:  Napoleon Dynamite was made in 2003 in Idaho with a budget of $400,000. 

It brought in $44+ million.


Napoleon in his moon boots and ‘fro cracks me up, IDIOT!, but honestly, it’s weenie brother Kip that makes the movie for me.   He’s so fine. 

You might have noticed he’s a permanent feature on Gills-A-GoGo, there on the upper right, PLUS I quote him in the blog’s header. 


And by the way, you all know my big clock?  Well, I took it down out of the living room after the relentless daily teasing I had to endure.  Seriously.

Me: “What time is it? 

Gary:  “I don’t know.  I can’t see the BIG clock.”   

Har dee har har.

So now I have this big open space of emptiness staring at me everyday.  Click this link if you want to see what I think is an excellently cool idea. 

But I am thinking I may go instead with Kip.   

kip dynamiteIt took me like three hours to finish the shading on his upper lip.

It's probably the best drawing I've ever done.


  1. Awww, thanks. Love you too! Thanks for putting up with all this nonsense I inflict on yuns on a weekly basis.

  2. Love the blogs, and you too! Don't ever quit!

  3. I clicked on that link. That was pretty cool how they painted that on the wall. I'd like to try that sometime!
