Monday, November 1, 2010

MusicMonday—Frankie Valli

Well, this kinda spun off out of nowhere other than I heard a particular song on the radio yesterday and it started a conversation between Gary and I about who sang it. 

He looked it up and said it was the Four Seasons.  I didn’t know that!  And I was confused.  It didn’t sound entirely like Frankie Valli.  Hmmmm….what’s going on?!

I knew Frankie Valli as the singer from the Four Seasons since I remembered my dad to like this music when I was a kid.  Songs like Sherry and Big Girls Don’t Cry, and Stay (this version is not what I was wanting but all I could find to link to) so Frankie’s falsetto is what I associated with the group.  Then of course, I knew Frankie from his role in Grease, one awesome movie and one of my all-time faves.  And then I was going next with this:  Did you know that before he had success musically, Frankie Valli worked as a barber?!  And isn’t it so ironic then that he played the beauty school teen angel from Grease! EXCEPT, hello, that was Frankie Avalon.

My life is one big string of mistaken thoughts, I swear.  And then I eventually find out and wonder how much of my brain is filled with this apparently  interchangeable babble that isn’t accurate in the first place.  And I tell people stuff all the time. 

But then I realized Frankie Valli did have a tie to the movie Grease and, no, maybe I haven’t completely lost my marbles because, hello, he sang the title song!  You know, that 70’s disco intro, written by Barry Gibb speaking of falsetto!, to the movie that’s a musical all about the 50’s with the 50’s music?  But you know, I can’t imagine it being any other song.  It totally works.



So anywho …. the song that started this whole crazy thing off in my brain.  I’m sure you know it even if I don’t really know much of anything at all.  And, turns out, it was sung by two other of the band members. You got the drummer and bassist and front man Frankie singing, so that help explains that. 

And the title is actually December 1963, what I probably always thought in my crowded, disorganized, messed up head was “Oh, What a Night!”

And also, I never quite grasped the song’s meaning until now. OH! 


  1. We are one mind sometimes. I had these two confused last night and Googled them both! (Avalon and Valli) This is too weird.

  2. First, the Dawn Poodle and now the Frankie confusion?! AND you love John Frusciante music, too! That IS too weird! Now shut this off and get over here.


  3. Oh.. and we played December, 1963 (Oh, What A Night) in high school band.
