Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Last Day of School

Thursday last week was the kids’ last day for school this year.  That one sure flew by, folks.  Even the kids said that.

Jack and a friend decided to call it Lumberjack Day.  I love that he had fun with it.  No picture of course since he is camera-averse, but he dressed exactly something like this:

lumberjack minus the ax and beard, and sub blue suspenders for yellow and you have it.

Caroline made this paper vase for her teacher and filled it with flowers from our yard.  She really loved having Ms. Horan.may 11 014

Grant picked a single flower for his teacher, Ms. Durkee, and tacked it onto his heartfelt note to her.  The last line was: 

I will never forget you. 

(I imagine her heart melted ‘cause I know mine did.)

may 11 018

And you see Sam here in the background.                         55     

He was working on something too—getting his gloves on!  Yes, this was the last day of school, end of May and it was 50 degrees and windy and rainy and Sam was freezing. 

Crazy days. 

 may 11 019

1 comment:

  1. I am sure the teachers appreciated the heartfelt sentiments. I know I like the kid-made thank yous. I still have many. I enjoyed swimming with the kiddos today! More fun tomorrow with Sidney included!
