Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Stuff So Far

I was thinking I had nothing to blog about lately and then I find I have 90 pictures just sitting in my camera.

That’s a good reminder that there has been stuff going on. 

Ok, maybe then the thing is I haven’t had time to blog.

This girl’s had Girl Scout day camp this week and I have been a helper.  Wow, is that tiring.  I don’t know how Gary and Jack manage seven consecutive days and nights at camp.  Two days of 9-3:30 about did me in.  But she’s loving it.  Except for the bugs and stinky toilets.  I will say I appreciate her behavior in handling those things she doesn’t love when comparing to how I saw some other girls handle it = Not well.

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So speaking of scouting, we hosted a fire safety course for Boy Scouts at our place one recent Sunday.  One of the troop dads had access to expired fire extinguishers, fully functional, just out of date for his factory, so we all (Sam, Caroline, everybody) practiced how to use one.  I always wanted to do that.  In case of a real and panicked situation, I didn’t want that to be the time I learned I didn’t know how they worked. 

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It’s actually a powder inside (I think I thought it would be a foam).  You can see the coating the woods got from our practice at our fire spot.  Most of this foliage ended up dying, I guess because of the coverage interfering with photosynthesis?

No pictures, but Debra and I cleaned up our old wood pile, see it in the top pic, one blazing hot day and I found out she has a thing about spiders.  I didn’t know that!  And we were uncovering huge huge ugly big spiders left and right.  But she stuck with it and by the end seemed to embrace using the hoe to slice the spiders.   Conquer your fears, right?

Um, quick question….when all we ever do is make you guys work around here, why do you keep coming over?  I don’t know why, but thank you.

Grant’s a Boy Scout now, too, by the way. 

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This is our new fridge.  We won’t rehash the day and a half it took to get it in the house and set up and running.  Painful. 

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It’s 36 inches wide and our doorway and this cabinet opening is 36 inches wide.  It might have helped to have an extra 1/8 inch or something.  Dad Gill was the guest worker on this project and again, not fun but it seems our family’s always there to help. 

Another new appliance, this little gadget, but definitely a sophisticated gadget, is Jack’s MiniMed insulin pump he used his trial week.  It looks beat up or something but it’s not; it’s actually a blue camo skin so those markings are intentional.  His actual real one, solid blue, comes today but he won’t get started using it june 11 012until sometime after his week at Boy Scout camp.   He did unbelievably great with it, having to pass the trial before the doctors would consider him switching to a pump, but after two years of him dealing with diabetes, I shouldn’t be surprised.  He’s done unbelievably well with everything thrown at him.  Love that brave boy! 


Grant recently designed a simple but fashionable and definitely functional spring raincoat for Bob/Bruce Cat. Yeah, I don’t know which one is which.  They’ve only been living here a year.

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Cat got tired of playing Project Runway/Driveway and apparently took off for the fields for awhile and wouldn’t let Grant approach to help remove the garment.  I am not sure how long he wore it or how it actually came off, but I can say he’s not wearing it anymore.  

Here are the rascals in Sam’s car seat (yes, plenty of june 11 033cat photos by Caroline included in those 90 pictures), the rascals that may or may not have been the source of Sam’s mystery hives he had for, what, four days.  Finally got those cleared up with Zyrtec.  Grandma and Grandpa Gill have had to do some doctoring while Grant and Sam are there this week. 

Ok, there’s definitely more stuff to cover, like a little thing called Caroline’s now 8!, but we’ll call it a day for now and catch ya’ll later. 

1 comment:

  1. Cat raincoats... HA!!! Good one, Grant!

    Love you all, Debra
