Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Fall Day in the Woods

Gotta say, this kind of day alone makes living out here worth it in every way.

We learned so many things: 

Like what footwear is advisible. 

That climbing trees is still fun:

oct 11 055

That boys truly do say Look, Mom, no hands!

 oct 11 064

But I have to add, he was literally saying “Look, Mom, no hands and no butt!”


That kitties also like to climb trees:

oct 11 069

That kitties are easily perturbed and aren’t afraid to show it:

oct 11 077

That trees come in all descriptions:

 oct 11 082

That the funnest game in the world is throwing hedge apples into the creek and counting whose takes the longest to float back up.  Here I am a girl that played in the woods all her childhood and I had no idea there was so much variance in bobbing up time.  One took more than a minute and some took three seconds and the others were anywhere in between.

oct 11 083

Most importantly, I’m hoping we learned being outside is possibly even more fun than sitting in the basement watching Spongebob. 

oct 11 049


  1. Where are the others? I love the last picture!!

  2. Hi Karen! The others were off doing a scout project that day. They missed the real fun. Today we're all going to be in the woods. Gary and boys are camping and we join them this afternoon. So cool last night that jack's meter wouldn't work.

  3. Loved it! The pictures are great!
