Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You Know We're on Summer Schedule...

When Grant had worn the same clothes for, I don't know, three or four days?  I think he and I realized it at about the same time. 

The up-side:  my laundry job has definitely lightened up. 


  1. Might also explain Sam's look of disgust? haha
    This was taken first thing in the morning, when they first came down the stairs so, yeah, that outfit served as pj's all those days/nights.

  2. The other up-side: Grant really doesn't need a suitcase for our Arizona trip. : )

  3. And what does Sam have on? I hope Grant takes deodorant, if he is not taking a change of clothes, else he might have to sleep on the deck with all the critters. Grant looks like he has grown 6 inches.
