Friday, April 23, 2010

Jack’s Snazzy Jazzy Band


Jack played at his Jazz Band performance last night along with the other middle school and high school jazz bands.  They all sounded wonderful but………………….…!!!April 10 020 (2)

That was our view of him for the hour concert.  Or usually he was even less visible.   I am just going to have a little talk with Mr. Band Director about the idea of placing the supremo trumpet players behind the dern piano!  And what about turning the piano around so piano player’s proud parents could watch her, too?  Ok, so maybe the sound comes out from that side, but geesh, we all just want to see our kids.  When they are being good at least.

Like this guy who was seated front and center.  And can I say, I liked him the second my eyes landed on him.  I bet his middle name is Jazz.  Afterwards, I approached him and flat out told him that I loved his solo.  He doesn’t know me.  Just some crazy lady.

April 10 016


Here’s Jack-my-man afterward. 

April 10 035 April 10 036

And here, with his buddy Matthew and new friend just a friend Christine.  Actually, she’s the face of the mystery pianist and played a wonderful solo herself. 

I have yet to be introduced. 

You know, I am not a Jazz fan by nature, but I gotta admit, these kids’ music had me so wrapped up and into it.  I could hardly sit still. 

Then we had some cheesecake. 

What a great night!

   April 10 045 - Copy   April 10 049 

April 10 050        April 10 046

Can you tell I am a proud mama?


Here’s a little secret exposed:  how to get your rambunctious five year old to sit during the hour long thing he has no interest in. 

And here’s Jack’s band doing their final number Bubbert Goes to Town. 

No, I did not make that up. 

There’s Jack’s head above the piano!  And you’ll notice my new friend at about 0:45. 

Yawn?!  What?!  During my son’s number?  Oh no he dint’nt!!