Thursday, September 30, 2010

Appleknocker Fun

caroline at appleknocker 

I leave the girl with Ross five minutes (well, maybe it was two, OK, three hours) and this happens.  And I’m curious how much he helped when it was time for getting the stuff out of her hair. caroline monkey bridge

But to his credit, he was the one taking pictures of my kids having big fun when my hands were full of balloon animals, free bags of books (thanks to Karen and company), lemon shake-up, and taco in a bag. 

And did I mention, Caroline’s 100 yard dash ribbon?!  Yea, girl!  Sam stayed on the sideline, last-minute deciding to eat his mini-box of Frosted Flakes instead of running.  Gary and I ran, too, that morning, but it was a 5,456 yard dash/crawl for us, respectively.

sam on horse

There were pony/horse rides

caroline on horse

and *fascinating* Native American dancer impersonators. 

(Hello, Ross? Where’re those pictures?!!  What if I forget how unappealing tighty blackies look on slow-moving geeky white guy thighs?!  Thanks.  No, seriously!, thanks.)  

tractor girl

So anywho, Caroline says, Thanks, Ross! and better get outta my way!


  1. :D - I had such a good time with her! I wish someone would have taken a picture of us together though!

  2. Thank you Diane for bringing so many smiles every time we look at this. Ross and Caroline really had a good time. See you soon.

  3. Thank you Diane for bringing us smiles every time we look at this. They really seemed to have a good time. I too wish I'd taken their pictures.

  4. You always bring smiles to me too. Thanks for sharing your kids with Ross.

  5. Looks like everyone had fun! Wish I had been there...
