Sunday, September 19, 2010


You know, there’re some days when something just hits you and you finally realize something you just never put together before.  And then you have to wonder just how you didn’t get it all that time before. 

Here’s my most recent.  There is was, right there before my eyes, something I grab on a daily basis, and I didn’t see it all these years ….until now. 


The white animal on the Dawn is not a poodle.



  1. Haha.. I thought it was a poodle for a long time also.

    And.... are you making up your own contractions now? (there're??)

    Nice talking to you today :)

  2. Well, if that's not a real contraction, that's my revelation for the decade, considering I have been using it all my life. But this is the same girl who thinks it's Warshington, right?

    And thanks, Ross, for your thinking it was a poodle, too!! I think of you as a pretty smart cookie so that makes me feel not so dumb. So glad we are there for each other!

  3. I found this on a weekly grammar tip from the University of Houston...

    There’re: this is a contraction of “there are.” Quite frankly, you should probably avoid using it for formal or professional papers. Your readers will probably view it as an odd contraction and you may lose credibility as a result. It can be used in less formal assignments or artistic prose such as short stories, dialogue, or poetry.

    Example: The woodsman gave the ominous yet comical warning “There’re bars in dem woods.”

    (So I think the author of this tip would approve of your usage. I love that he said "your readers will probably view it as an odd contraction")

  4. Well, since I am neither formal or professional, I think I'll just keep it and we'll call it my odd contraction. But that example! "In dem der woods" makes it sound even too hick for me.
    Thanks, reader, for the research and weekly grammar tip. I could probably stand to check in on that there U of Houston site purty often.

  5. It has always been a baby sea lion to me!!

  6. Well, Karen, ok, now I feel dumb again. Accenutated by the fact that I wouldn't even know to call it a seal or seal lion had it not been a poodle to me, and yeah, what would a poodle have to do with Dawn anywho? Ross, you and I: hopeless. But me more than you since you seemed to realize your mistake long before me. And you recognize an odd contraction. But I do know my cicadas.

  7. Yes! You are the cicada expert!

  8. I'm the smartest of all. I avoid all conflict and confusion by using Joy instead of Dawn.

  9. Well, I actually have a Dawn bottle, filled with Meijer brand soap.
