Monday, September 13, 2010


Yesterday we went to the air show at Scott Air Force Base.  It was an absolutely perfect day of clear blue skies and sunshine, not too hot, not too cool.  The air show was thrilling and we had great time together as a family.

As we were walking to get an upclose look at the unbelievably huge cargo planes sitting on the airfield, the song Beautiful Day by U2 (2000) came on over the air show’s speaker system.  I told the kids and Gary, “Hey this is one of my running songs on my iPod!”  A great song and so fitting for the day.

That song concluded and the next song began.  It was Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes, the next song on my iPod playlist!


How cool was that?

So today, I give you two of my favorite songs….

2:45 is just like we felt like yesterday!

@ 3:53 you can actually see Gary and I in the hangar.

Followed by one of our favorite family songs, the one introduced to us by music hipster Joe, back when Miss Caroline was just a babe in 2003….

Have a beautiful day!


  1. Beautiful Day is one of my favorite songs! I listened to the album CONSTANTLY in high school. I'm going to have to load it in my car now! The only bad thing about listening to it before work is that it tricks you into a good mood. That feeling quickly dies once you enter a cubicle.

  2. Is that my music hipster, Joe? You did hit on two of his favorites!
