Tuesday, September 28, 2010

MusicMonday—Least Wanted List

Over this past weekend, we had our 25th year high school class reunion.  What a great time to see old friends, and let me tell you, some of these friends go way back. 

I was four years old when I first became friends with some of them, us together in kindergarten at Xenia Grade School in, get this!, 1972, so I’d say I have known some classmates practically all my life. 

It was an excellent time getting together and I just really enjoy catching up with everybody, and each reunion so far, I find myself hanging out with someone that wasn’t really previously considered a friend, someone that I didn’t really ever know or talk to.  Reunions are great! 

Yes, they are, Gary. Stop arguing. 

So, one of my oldest friends was there and that is Susan.  We were cheerleaders together in grade school and also for our Senior year in high school, the year we finally had gained enough confidence to try out in high school.  And we made it! 

It was a great experience as we had great sports teams to cheer on at FHS and it was really fun. But it did start something, kinda a negative vibe for me.  And I am not a fan of the negative in life but, hey, I guess it happens. 

Not everything can make everybody smiley.

Here’s the background.  It was Summer 1984 and the varsity squad of us six high school girls went to Vincennes University for cheerleading camp where we learned a few happening routines.  We brought those moves back home with us, and to prepare for upcoming game half-time performances, we practiced and practiced.  That would include in cheerleading captain Dorlisa M’s yard (which to this day I distinctly remember walking in the deep, lush, perfect grass in her yard!  Grass out in the country just did not grow like that and it just amazed me how perfect her lawn was).  

So here we were one particular afternoon getting our dance routine down pat, and I will say, in a good way, Dorlisa was a… stickler for an impressive performance.  We were not going to have any sloppy arms or off-beat steps on this squad.  So we practiced and practiced and practiced.  And practiced and practiced and practiced some more. 

Apparently we were so focused that I didn’t even see the two squirrelly guys (that we’ll just call Harry and Cale, you know, to protect their identity) who kept driving by to watch the girls.  The drive-bys were actually confessed/confirmed while sitting around a table at the reunion by “Harry and Cale” themselves Saturday night.

That routine, done over and over, was to a song called Let’s Never Hear It Again Hear It for the Boy.  That one is now is firmly ranked in my:

Top 5 Least Want to Ever Hear Again in my Entire Life song list.  They’re probably not in the true order of least wanted, but I didn’t want to have to think it through farther or actually listen to them to rank them accurately. 

So here it is….. 


5.  Let’s Hear it for the Boy by Deniece Williams, from the Footloose soundtrack if I remember correctly.  I seriously try to forget.  That was a big song Summer 1984.  Unfortunately.

4.  any George Thorogood song, like Bad to the Bone, and One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer. I want to rename it One Gun, One Bullet, Let’s Hear it for No More George Thorogood.

3.  Keep Your Hands to Yourself by The Kentucky Headhunters Georgia Satellites (oops, apparently two other bands I confuse, like this time).  That song comes on the radio and my radio is off immediately.  Jing-a-ling-a-ling.

2.  any Bonnie Tyler song.  Yikes:  Total Eclipse of the Heart (part of the problem is that annoying “Turn around”), Holding Out for a Hero, It’s a Heartache (clear your throat, sister). Bad, bad, bad in my book.

1.  Mr. Roboto by Styx. “Secret, secret, I’ve got a secret.”  [Me whispering:]  Mr. Roboto (?!!?), you are a lame five and half minutes. 



Gary knew I was going to make this my MusicMonday post for this week.  As he was backing out of the driveway going to work today, he told me he had one to add that he’s been hearing on the radio and as soon as it starts, he turns it off.  I’d never heard it in my life, but it’s on his Top 5 Least Wanted apparently.

See what you think.

Nature’s Way by Spirit from 1970.

Any comments? 

Tell me:  What’s on your Least Wanted?


  1. I can't really think of any specific songs that would be on my list.

    It would be easier for me to name artists. They would be Journey, Toby Keith, Aerosmith, Kenny Chesney,and Ke$ha.

  2. I think I know Harry and Cale!! This was a laugh out loud post!! Thanks...
    Will there be photos from the reunion?

  3. Seriously, Ross? Journey? Really?! Then it probably would double gross you out to know Gary sings Blue Jean Girl to me with ga-ga eyes on a regular basis. And I have a vintage 1981 home-taped cassette of myself singing Open Arms, the song I *thought* I could really sing well. Until I played it back and omg.

  4. Karen, bless you, sister. It makes my day that you tell me I make you laugh. No pictures from the reunion, though. I wish I had some. There should be one big group one out public one of these days.

  5. Harry and Cale? It took Karen to tell me who Harry and Cale were. I remember that summer, Harry and Cale driving all over (especially to Xenia) looking for those two pretty girls.

  6. Funny sidenote about "Bad to the Bone"... This song was what I often sang out loud everytime a young Ross (age 4-7 or so) came to my house! Do you remember this, Ross? Ba-ba-ba-baaad?!?

  7. I always think of you when I hear that song, Debra! :D
