Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nicotrol/Tetris Strikes Again

Today as I was driving Jack and Grant to school, Grant was discussing his recent research subject, astronomer Edwin Hubble (of the Hubble Telescope).   He also mentioned his friend’s subject, that it was General George Custer.

Jack piped up in a real 13 year old know it all kind of voice,  “Gah, Grant, at least you should pronounce it right....General Custard.”


  1. I don't remember the nicotrol story.

  2. Nicotrol was Talia correcting Johnny for calling novocaine nicotine. I believe the story goes, "It's called Nicotrol, you dope."

  3. In the car following a visit to the dentist in which novocaine was administered:

    Johnny: "I hate that nicotine!"

    Talia: "It's nicotrol, you dork!"

    Good times...
