Thursday, January 21, 2010

Part 1: New stuff around here and then Part 2: a typical Thursday

   G finally got his new glasses since being without since the day before Christmas break when a soccer ball not so kindly met his face.  He never complained when he didn’t have any glasses to wear all these weeks, but once he put these on, he was so excited: “Everything is so sharp!”And go ahead and take a look at these bare teeth.  Jan 10 008In one week, they will be metallic. After nearly two years of full-time retainers, he finally has enough mouth space to actually get the braces put on.  Progress!

We have been rearranging and moving stuff all around here, a’ la Friends’ Ross.  Could be my very favorite scene, I think.  But I also love the leather pants episode.  My to-do list just grew:  compare and see which truly brings out the most laughs in me. 

Piii-Vaaaaaat is just so hilarious and of course we have to say it just sliding a chair across the room.  (My first time linking a video—we’ll see how that goes.)

Jan 10 011

  So, we’ve done some moving around and this is our new computer in a new location, aka the large, underused living room.  It’s also a TV so G and I can lounge on the couch and, the plan is, watch our own stuff in peace.  We’re leaving the Family back in FamilyRoom.

And can I tell you, being a mom just has its highlights.  C had been complaining of not feeling too great all week so I let her stay home today and then by mid-morning realized that was probably not necessary judging by her spunkiness.  Then when I finished my shower, this is what was at my feet as I stepped out. 

 Jan 10 012A piece of paper with 6 year old writing that said:

Look Mom at

you will be so happy!

Caroline (at the top since no room at the bottom)

 Jan 10 013She found them~~ boots that had been missing since last month!   I was so happy but especially loved how she told me.  Jan 10 015

Then I see this sight on our bed where she is delighted to be practicing this mother stuff.  Little sneaky sick-faker totally melted my heart.

Jan 10 017

And then by afternoon, it was time to take J for extraction of his three baby molars that just won’t budge on their own.  Now that his permanent molars are coming through  too, there’s so many teeth wedged all in there.   You know I still have a baby tooth and I wouldn’t recommend it.  Jan 10 018 BEFORE


Jan 10 027AFTER


And then sitting inches behind J in the van at the dentist parking lot, we have the polar opposite who poses for a picture any chance she can. 

Jan 10 028


Jan 10 030 Here’s J with his temporary means of communicating while his mouth was all swelled and numb and gauze-packed.  Boy, did it bring back those cherished memories of the wisdom teeth days.  Yikers.  Someone actually pointed and laughed at me with my huge cheeks while sitting in the parked car at Knapp’s early June 1991.  Scarred? Perhaps.  Baby teeth, wisdom teeth, arg!  Teeth are not fun.  Except for eating brownies and pizza and caramels and stuff. 

Jan 10 032 And here he is now, puffed up some but eating cheese so you know he’s doing fine.  Just still not loving the camera.

And as I was sitting here posting this, my BFF/Manservant whizzed by.  Jan 10 037But then seconds later, I noticed it wasn’t gliding along exactly flat as BFFRoomba is supposed to be.  


Jan 10 045

So looking closer, I see this extra piece of blue plastic under there.  Hmmmm…Jan 10 043

Jan 10 039

Note to self:  keep Roomba and frogs separated. 

Jan 10 040

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha.. I'm cracking up at the picture of the Roomba rounding the corner with its creepy little green light!!
