Sunday, February 13, 2011

End of the Illinois Ice

Finally, we can see the floor of our deck after, what, two months?!

feb 11 004

This weekend, the temps were just crazy warm (shoot, it’s 10:00 at night and it’s 50 degrees right now!).  Crazy warm--that’s what you say after you’ve endured weeks of temps of, like, 6 degrees. 

The snow was really a-meltin’ yesterday and today.  That old, underlying layer of ice was at last accessible, so we worked at clearing it off the deck.

And by “we worked,” I mean someone worked and I took pictures of him working.  Definitely a 50/50 partnership here.  I love marriage.

feb 11 001

Gary was lifting large chunks of the ice up and tossing them over into the yard when I spotted one that I couldn’t let him toss.  It was special, I could tell right away! 

feb 11 002

Lordy, it looked just like the state of Illinois! 

We set it aside and named it “Illinois.”   We called the kids to come see.  Even the kids marveled at its shape, so Illinois-like! 

“Kids, now don’t be stepping on Illinois.”

“Isn’t that amazing, our Illinois ice?!”

And you can tell how big this chunk of miracle ice was, just compare to my black boot there.  You all know I don’t have the daintiest of feet;  just call me Miz Size 10.

So, it was really something, this big impressive chunk of state ice.  Our own home state even.  Wow!

It wasn’t until now when I put up this actual outline of the state that I realize that it might, in reality, have been a stretch to think it was Illinois-shaped.  Hmmm… 

il_outlinefeb 11 002

  Maybe we’ll just blame cabin fever?


  1. That weather was crazy yesterday! I looked up Champaign's temperature also, just to see what I was missing. It was 24 degrees colder there! Hahahah...

  2. And that Illinois ice chuck is impressive!
