Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fun Day

Yesterday I woke up with a plan to go do something fun, just the littles and me, since the big boys were off camping.  Some of us had to be convinced it would be more fun than they were already having on Saturday morning:


Once convinced, we hopped in the:

Sept 11 003

It was a beautiful, perfect day weather-wise, but still some dressed like:

  Sept 11 005

Along the way, we were amused by:

Sept 11 007

Until we sat in gridlock with our final destination in sight:

Sept 11 010 

But first, we were hungry for lunch, so we went here on The Landing where they specialize in aged pasta production:


And I learned I do not specialize in phone photography:


And Caroline was looking all:

Sept 11 013

And by now, Sam was a happier camper, um, biker:

Sept 11 015

Then we made it to the:

  Sept 11 052

It was the first time for these two, that they could remember anyway:

Sept 11 031 Sept 11 025

Seems as though Sam lost his neck while looking up:

Sept 11 038

And this is what happens when you are under it at 1:20 p.m.:

Sept 11 035 

Sam was hesitant about the ride up, but did fine and we looked for our house on this side:


Excitement included seeing this, don’t know what it was—some building, but it was a big, unusual thing to be seeing on the river:


We did not, however, catch the elephant show.

[Back story:  For years, Gary has had (or at least has tried to have) Caroline thinking helicopters drop elephants down to the top of the Arch.]

Then we were walking around on the beautiful Arch grounds when I asked Caroline to stop for a picture and she instantly posed like this high school senior:

  Sept 11 053

Girl likes the camera, for sure.  More playing around:

Sept 11 057   Sept 11 060 Sept 11 049

And then they walked on hand-in-hand like the sweetest brother/sister duo in the world and it totally melted this mom’s heart:

Great day, St. Louis!


  1. I love that video!! You are such a great mom to force fun on your family!

  2. Glad Sam changed clothes, oh wait, that was his pj's. What a fun day, wish we could have joined you.
