Tuesday, October 25, 2011

House in the Works—Driveway

Gary is enjoying his new position at work very much, I am happy to say.  He recently had his first-in-years business travel.  We got along fine here at home without him for the week, not to say he wasn’t missed.  I, however, learned just because I am home and in charge, I maybe can not be trusted to make executive decisions. 

The gravel guy that came by last year with a deal for us involving the first half of our driveway stopped by again.  He was finishing up another job and had two loads of gravel he was offering for a good price that would finish out the rest of the drive back to the buildings.  He even threw in grading up the old and rollering the new.  Honestly, it was the idea of getting out all that old grass that sold me since I had fought it all summer long with spray and it still looked so bad.  Fifteen minutes of their equipment or me pulling it by hand for days?  Well, suffice it to say, I thought it was a good idea and gave him the go ahead. 

2011-10-14_13.26.07 2011-10-14_13.26.40



2011-10-22_16.18.07 2011-10-22_16.18.24

Well, the other half of the executive branch was not happy with my decision once he got home since he had other plans that all the new gravel now makes tougher to accomplish.  But for the immediate effect, it looks so much better, right? 


  1. It does look great. Was his plan by any chance to lay a brick driveway? I know where you could get a bargain on a ton of used bricks.
