Thursday, June 24, 2010


june 10 007 

The kids returned home from being gone for over a week to Grandma and Grandpa’s and Aunt Debra’s.  Everyone~kids, parents, dog~seemed very happy to be reunited!

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And our own homecoming of sorts, we officially moved out to the farm last week.  All the beds are here now, the redneck trampoline, even Scooter.

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june 10 015And this little kitty adopted us right away.  We heard the loudest and saddest meowing for two nights while it was just Gary and I at the farm.  The next morning the rascal was up in Gary’s truck, would not come down, and was responsible for his being late to work.  Guess that’s when we actually became cat-owners.  As soon as the kids got home, kitty became very people-friendly and has been lugged around from sun up to sun down these past few days.  We’re not hearing anymore sad crying, just purrs of contentment and an occasional hiss at the ScooterDog. 

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See Grant’s summer face.  It’s the little freckles popping out that make it.

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And Sam’s summer look. 

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And my eleven year old teenager boy.  Wow, did that happen so fast!


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This was on Father’s Day as we were going out to supper at Pasta House.  We had such a good time!  The kids behaved wonderfully, ate well, and we all enjoyed actual conversation.  And the whole time, I was secretly, internally celebrating the absence of the moustache.  Gary came out of the bathroom that morning with that unexpected little big surprise.  I said it was my best Father’s Day ever!

Pardon me, but he’s just so handsome!  I told him he looks much younger and not so mean without the ‘stache.  He told me maybe he wasn’t going for that look. 

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If this was a poll by Caroline, I’d definitely choose #1.

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And this is home these days.june 10 037

Messy, cramped, messy, and still disorganized, but it is home.  Yea!

Not so yea about this slow internet, but I guess that’s the price we pay for the wide open space.


  1. Welcome to the world of country living. You are right about a trade-off. I remind Joe of that when he complains about our internet (lack-of) speed. I have had a blast with your children this summer. I will be available Wednesday or anytime you need me! Love you all!!

  2. Yeah, this post was supposed to happen early in the week (geesh, we've already had another homecoming), but just now got it to go through via country internet. Gonna have to slim down the posts I guess, but I love doing the pics and videos. boo hoo
    Love you too!

  3. Don't worry about slow internet... I'd wait a long time for photos like these! Gary, the porn 'stache needs to stay off! Your face is so handsome... it should have no interference ever! Question of the day: what's the kitty's name???

  4. I've got it! If kitty doesn't have a name yet, how about "Scatter?" Get it? :)

  5. Mom votes for #1, it's got to be more comfortable. love to you all, Mom
