Friday, June 12, 2009

Not a true GoGo entry since we are at home but too cute not to

Ok, quiz time. Question #1. Does this four year old remind anyone of anyone?

Question #2--a two parter.
a) Can you come up with a witty caption, and if so,
b) leave it below in the comments.

Question #3. Sam Gill does not own any other shirts besides the muscle shirt. True or false.

Question #4. Is it the exact same shirt appearing every day or is it actually a rotation of ten shirts, all alike?

And the final Question, #5. Is this not the sweetest gesture a boy could make to his mom?


  1. Did Sam pick that flower just for Diane? How nice.

  2. You mean did Sam uproot that flower just for Diane?

  3. Caption for Sam's picture #2: Now, where's that saddle, and why won't Scooter sit still so I can put it on him?

  4. Debra wins the caption contest!!! And for our lucky winner, (drumroll) ....a week with Scooter!!
