Monday, October 18, 2010


It has been a long time since we talked movies.  We watched a couple this weekend.  One that I picked out, one that older boys picked out.  We should have let Gary pick—he was sick and on the couch all day.

ironman 2

I will say that if you are between the ages of 10 and 43 and BOY, you might enjoy Ironman 2.  I really can’t offer a review of it since I watched it for all of thirty seconds. 

Or maybe that is my review.

I was far more excited about my pick!  I had waited a long time to get to see it and just knew it’d be good for some great laughs.  I have to admit I laugh a lot at the really dumb, crass movies and this one would seem to fit that bill.  Plus, it had John Cusack.  I have, in the past, really enjoyed John Cusack movies.  And Darrell from The Office.  He’s likeable.

Well, Hot Tub Time Machine sounded like a winner to me. 

hot tubbing

I loved the title from the get-go.  But no, yikes, it was pretty stinky.  Gary thought so, too.  Less than an hour into it, I asked him if he wanted to shut it off.  He said that was ok with him. 

My first movie in months and such disappointment! 

Well, I will throw this out there:  Caroline watched Hotel for Dogs and, again, while I have no first-hand information to share with you about it, she liked it. 

Maybe that’s the one to pick?

1 comment:

  1. Out of these choices, I would probably pick Hotel for Dogs also.
