Friday, October 22, 2010

Stanley, Caroline, and Kitti

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Flat Stanley came to our house in an envelope recently, just as he has come to some of yours.  The letter inside asked us to show Stanley some things from the area where we live.  He had a big time with our cats.

flat stanley 007 Well, maybe except while he was being clawed

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and treated a little too friendly.

  oct 10 002

Caroline enjoyed putting her reply together with pictures and mailed it off all the way to….

Glen Carbon. oct 10 003

Yeah, Stanley travelled a whole eight miles.  Flat Stanley was sent here from, speaking of cats, Caroline’s good friend, Kitti. 

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Caroline and Kitti go way back, well, as way back as back can be when you have lived for seven years.  They became fast friends in Kindergarten.  Kitti did not speak one word of English when she came here from Hungary at the start of that school year.  It was amazing how quickly she picked it up.  These days you would not have one doubt that she was not born and raised all-American.  Well, until she talks with her limited-English-speaking Mom, but really that’s it.

I remember once having lunch with Caroline at school one of those early days of Kindergarten, and there was Kitti sitting at the lunch table and she was in tears.  I think she didn’t recognize or like the cafeteria food in front of her, but no one knew exactly what was wrong or how to help her.  I felt so sad for her right then but that was short-lived.  The girl is so sweet and so smart and adjusted so quickly.oct 10 016

She and Caroline were in different classes last school year, but got together frequently since we lived just down the road from each other.  They rode the bus together and Caroline’s first sleep over was with Kitti.  Now then this year, they are at different schools since we moved, but they still are best of friends and just a car ride apart.

But some day not too far off, Kitti’s letters will be travelling much further, addressed from her home in Hungary.  Her family will be living here just one more year as her dad works in St. Louis temporarily, and then they will return to their home country. 

But who knows, with cell phones and Internet and whatever else lies in-store technologically, I am thinking they could easily remain friends forever.

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Hamming it up for the camera at our house last weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. Again, Diane, a wonderful tribute to your beautiful daughter.
