Thursday, March 31, 2011

If There’s a World Record for Texting…

Maintaining the Jack theme of recent posts, I thought I’d just share with you that the number of texts in and outgoing for him is typically in the range of, hold onto your hats, 32,000+ a month.  Wowzers, I know. 

The kid eats big; the kid texts big. 

My typical total is maybe 100 a month and that’s just ‘cause Ross and I throw things back and forth every once in awhile, and sometimes I get extra messages because he thinks he’s sending to someone else. 

“Clothes are supposed to hide the body, not flaunt it. Lol”  And I’m like, whaaat?  Where did that come from?

“Oh, sorry, that was supposed to go to Jessica.” 

I also rack up a few a month between Jack and I, like:

“Come home now.  Supper’s ready.” 

His reply:  “k” 

Or yesterday's:  “I’m locked out of the house.”

Me:  “Ooops.  Be right there.”

So, this month, Jack’s texting total came in at 19,000-something.  Wow, that seemed like such a dramatic decrease.  I was wondering if he’d decided he’s been a little too focused on the phone and decided himself to cut back.  How mature of him, I was thinking. 

As parents, we hadn’t told him he needed to, since, despite the huge number of texts, he maintains straight A’s and does well with all his extracurricular stuff, not to mention his social activities and attending to his constant medical needs, all the while keeping up with his wood-hauling and trash-burning and other miscellaneous jobs around here.  If he can keep up with everything else in life and still manages to text that much, then so be it.

Then it occurred to me….his camping trip where he was without texting ability for over two weekend days.  I think that explains it.  

He also told me once that he thinks it just makes sense to get the most out of our unlimited texting plan.   I’m thinking he probably does get our money’s worth.


  1. All these kids are going to lose their thumbs before they turn 20.

  2. He must have some mean callouses on his thumbs.
